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Friday, June 7, 2019

Weird news - Waitress catches hold of reptile's tail and throws it out

Most people are afraid of the lizards that we encounter in the vicinity of our houses, whether inside or outside. There is no real reason to since these are very small creatures, and if you take a step in their direction, they will typically run away since they realize the size mismatch pretty quickly. However, what happens when you come across lizards that are much longer, and there are plenty of such lizards to be found in the wild - some of them are large and others are much larger (the Komodo dragon comes to mind when you think about huge lizards, and it can be dangerous if you come across it and don't know the proper techniques of dealing with it).
So what happens when a large lizard walks into an Australian restaurant and to a table - you can expect a lot of yelling and screaming, and that is what happens. What you would not expect in most cases would be for somebody to gather their wits, drag the offending lizard by the tail and throw it out; but that is what a French waitress did, her presence of mind being incredible (link to article):
This plucky waitress is evidently not scared of trespassing lizards so big they are mistaken for dogs. 25-year-old French waitress Samia Lila has made international headlines after grabbing the huge reptile by the tail and swinging it out of the restaurant in New South Wales. She has since been dubbed "goanna girl" - the reptile is thought to be a goanna - and has been widely commended for her bravery.

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