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Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Weird news - Vandals try to destroy large snowman, but ....

What is karma ? Karma, in nowadays everyday usage, is meant to depict an event whereby people get their just rewards, whether that be positive or negative. Look at what has happened in the following case where people were trying to be destructive and faced damage themselves. Modern cities struggle with vandalism - whether this be spray painting of walls, damage to statues, damages to new infrastructure, and so on. How much can you catch such stuff going on and punish them ? The Government of Singapore would damage such vandalism such as spray painting of cars by whipping the perpetrators. 
During the winter, with huge amounts of snow falling from the sky, building a snowman is a favorite pastime. It looks like fun, the raw material is totally free and it can be decorated with a range of items from mufflers to buttons to hats, and so on. However, there is always a worry about vandals, as the following incident highlights. The couple in Kentucky used a large tree stump as the base on which to build the snowman and ended up with a 10 feet tall structure in which the tree stump was totally hidden by the snow. A lot of people admired the massive snowman.
However, you have people who are destructive, so apparently some people with a vehicle decided that using the vehicle to knock down the snowman would be fun, so they took their vehicle and rammed the snowman. However, imagine their surprise when their vehicle hit a hard unmovable object, and it would have surely impacted their vehicle itself and would have caused some damage to the vehicle (link to article):
"Everyone driving by loved him, and waved and honked to express their delight," Lutz said. "However, evidently not everyone was a fan! I arrived home to find a set of tire tracks across my yard, ending abruptly at the base of the snowman." Lutz realized someone tried to drive into their snowman, but since the base of it was a stump, the would-be vandals failed — miserably. "The massive stump is now exposed, with a snowy imprint of a bumper stuck to it!" Lutz said. Apparently Frosty had been handing out life lessons to some very-surprised 4x4 vandals," he joked. "'You reap what you sow!' Still standing, and still smiling, Frosty certainly had the last laugh!"

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